PR Newswire/Les Echos/


Paris, January 29th 2015

                            2014 ANNUAL TURNOVER
                         * Activity increase of 12.9%
                         * Strong international growth : +31.5%
                         * 9 acquisitions since January 2014

In Euros Millions           2013                2014             Var.

Turnover                   1,216.2             1,373.2         + 12.9 %

* France               751.0 i.e 61.7 %    761.5 i.e. 55.5 %    + 1.40 %
                       465.2 i.e. 38.3 %   611.7 i.e. 44.5 %   + 31.50 %

Headcount                  16 000             18 400              + 15 %


* The 2014 consolidated turnover amounted to EUR 1,373.2 million, which
  represents an increase of 12.9% compared to 2013. In France, it increases
  1.40%; International is strongly growing: +31.5%. The activity outside of
  France now represents 44.5% of the turnover (38.3% in 2013).
  On a like-for-like  basis, including exchange rate effect, activity increases
  2.75%  (-1% in France, +8.7%  abroad). In France, the economic context
  remains depressed. Abroad, the significant growth was achieved mainly by USA,
  Italy and Benelux.

* In the fourth quarter, business totaled EUR 357.5 million, up to 15.8%
  compared to the fourth quarter of 2013. On a like-for-like basis, it raised
  by 5.6% (1.9% in France, 11.2% abroad).

* Despite a negative "embedded" organic growth, ALTEN will have managed to
  accelerate its organic growth along the year.


* In order to accelerate its expansion, particularly abroad, ALTEN acquired 8
  companies in 2014: (1 in France, 7 abroad). They represent a EUR 103 million
  turnover and 1,100 engineers and consultants.

* At the beginning of 2015, ALTEN purchased a technology consulting company in
  the Netherlands (EUR11 million turnover, 95 consultants).


The economic environment stays complicated and R&D budgets are still under

ALTEN confirmed its tier one supplier listing for 2015 among the main European
prime contractors.
Thanks to its positioning and leadership, ALTEN will increase its market share
and continue to take advantage of the sector's consolidation.

Thanks to its assets in a globally stable market, Alten should achieve a
positive organic growth in 2015, compliant with its high margin policy.


2014 Annual results: February 25th 2015 before the market opening.


For more information: /
Contact: Matthieu Roquet Montégon - +33 (0)6 16 92 80 65
As a European Leader in Technology Consulting and Engineering (TCE), ALTEN
carries out design and research  projects for Technical and IT divisions of
major clients in industry, telecoms and services.
ALTEN's stock is listed in compartment A of the Euronext Paris market (ISIN
FR000001946); it is part of the SBF 120, the IT CAC 50 index and MIDCAP100, and
is eligible for the deferred Settlement Service (SRD).

(c) ALTEN -

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