ACE Data Recovery, America’s premium RAID/enterprise recovery provider, releases survey: 3 Most “Got It” IT management assumptions for 2016. They are:

“Got It” - All providers understand the complexity of RAID array and can perform the recovery. WRONG. All providers are not equal. ACE Data Recovery is the only provider who writes software and develops hardware for data recovery cases, period. Complexity is the key. Choosing the wrong data recovery provider is where many companies make their mistakes. It is crucial to select a provider that respects every job with the same level of attention, concern and dedication, regardless of size or the complexity of the RAID array.

“Got It” - My IT guy handles any RAID failure. WRONG. Reality check – most can’t, period. The constraints of IT guys are obvious when RAID data loss occurs. Most IT guys are amazing at integration, but inept in the data recovery situation. Most IT guys do not have a data recovery solution in place because they are compensated to prevent loss. Depending on the importance of the data to be recovered, the key is to not be influenced by expediency or cost, however by the total quality of the RAID recovery event.

“Got It” – All RAID recoveries are the same, regardless of the cost. WRONG. Even though many companies budget for data loss expenses, they insist on the least expensive solution. Corporations are lured with free estimations without considering the complexity of the RAID diagnostic. Hidden fees, charges, or extensive circumstances cloud the issue. Rule of thumb:

1. Find a complimentary consultation provider from a data recovery engineer.

2. Get a diagnostic report and a firm quote.

3. Be clear on extra charges for complex recoveries.

4. Ensure post-recovery support.

About ACE Data Recovery:

ACE Data Recovery has over 35 years of superior data recovery experience and provides RAID/Enterprise services to Fortune 500 corporations as well as small businesses that experience data loss from all media types including HDD, SSD and RAID arrays. The company has four labs and over 30 service centers in major metropolitan areas in USA and Canada. For additional information, visit