Current Report no. 02/2013
Issue date: 2013-01-07

Legal basis: Article 56(1)(2) of the Act on Public Offering - current and interim information Subject: Resolution of the Board of NDS on the registration of series F and G shares

The Management Board of ABC DATA S.A. (the Issuer, the Company) announces that on 7
January 2013 it received a resolution of the National Depository for Securities, pursuant to which, on the basis of §40 (2), (3) and (4a) and §2 (1) and (4) of the Regulations of NDS, having considered the Issuer's application, the Management Board of NDS resolved to admit to the depository of securities, 493,856 ordinary bearer shares of the Company of nominal value of 1 PLN each, including:
- 204,065 series F shares;
- 289,791 series G shares;
issued under a conditional increase of share capital pursuant to Resolution No. 7 of the Issuer's Extraordinary General Meeting of 28 April 2008 amended by Resolution No. 9 of the Issuer's Extraordinary General Meeting of 15 December 2009 and assign to them the code PLABCDT00014.
The shares referred to above shall be admitted to the NDS depository, if the company operating the regulated market adopts a decision to admit such shares to trading on the same regulated market on which other shares of the Issuer, to which the code PLABCDT00014 was assigned, were admitted.
Pursuant to the aforementioned resolution, the registration of series F and G shares in the NDS shall be carried out within three days from the date of receipt by the NDS of the decision of the company operating the regulated market; not earlier, however, than on the date indicated in the said decision as the date of admission of these shares to trading on this market.
Pursuant to the aforementioned resolution, if the company operating the regulated market decides that not all series F and G shares are admitted to trading on such market, the registration under the code PLABCDT00014 of shares not admitted to this trading shall take place on the condition a decision is adopted to admit them to trading on the same regulated market by the company operating the regulated market; not earlier, however, than on the date of admission of shares to trading on the same market as stipulated in the said decision.
Detailed legal basis: Article 34 (1) of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19
February 2009 on current and interim information submitted by issuers of securities […]
Signatures of persons representing the Company:

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