Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "5G migration: SON solutions must become the brains of the network" report to their offering.

Self-optimising network (SON) solutions have been hailed as the route to efficient, flexible mobile networks in which manual processes are automated to support massive scale. In reality, deployments beyond very basic use cases have been limited and our survey indicates that most mobile network operators (MNOs) have reduced their 1-to-2-year investment expectations as they wait for more functionality. Vendors need to kickstart a new wave of investment in SON technology by making it a platform that can improve revenue, not just reduce costs, and become the brains of the new network.

This report provides answers to the following questions:

- How can vendors develop SON solutions to enhance their platforms for 4.5G and 5G migration?

- How will SON solutions improve the returns from densification and virtualisation?

- What is the role of SON solutions in an effective 5G ROI strategy?

- How much do MNOs intend to invest in SON solutions between 2016 and 2022 and for what purposes?

- What will hold MNOs back from deploying SON solutions?

- What do MNOs want vendors and industry organisations to deliver to make their plans viable to deploy?

Who Should Read this Report

- CTOs, CIOs and business development executives in vendors providing, or planning to provide SON and wider network optimisation solutions to MNOs or other operators. These include pure-play SON providers, NEPs, telecoms software providers, telecoms service providers, small-cell and Wi-Fi access point vendors.

- MNO CTO departments that want insight into what their peers and competitors are thinking about how they are planning to use SON solutions.

For more information about this report visit