By Ann Saphir
       Nov 30 (Reuters) - The labels "dove" and "hawk" have
long been used by central bank watchers to describe the monetary
policy leanings of policymakers, with a dove more focused on
risks to the labor market and a hawk more focused on the threat
of inflation.
    The topsy-turvy economic environment of the coronavirus
pandemic sidelined those differences, turning U.S. Federal
Reserve officials at first universally dovish as they sought to
provide massive accommodation for a cratering economy, and then,
when inflation surged, into hawks who uniformly backed
aggressive interest rate hikes. Now, as Fed policymakers note
improvement on inflation and some cooling in the labor market
but also stronger-than-expected economic growth, divisions are
more evident, and the choices more varied: to raise rates again,
skip for now but stay poised for more later, or take an extended
    All 12 regional Fed presidents discuss and debate monetary
policy at Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meetings that are
held eight times a year, but only five cast votes at any given
meeting, including the New York Fed president and four others
who vote for one year at a time on a rotating schedule.
    The following chart offers a look at how officials currently
stack up on their outlooks for Fed policy and how to balance
their goals of stable prices and full employment. The
designations are based on comments and published remarks; for
more on the thinking that shaped these hawk-dove designations,
click on the photos in this graphic.
    Reuters over time has shifted policymaker designations based
on fresh comments and developing circumstances - for an
accounting of how our counts have changed please scroll to the
bottom of this story.
 Dove         Dovish      Centrist       Hawkish    Hawk
              Patrick     John           Jerome     Michelle
              Harker,     Williams, New  Powell,    Bowman,
              Philadelph  York Fed       Fed        Governor,
              ia Fed      President,     Chair,     permanent
              President,  permanent      permanent  voter: 
              2023        voter: "We     voter:     "My
              voter: "A   are at, or     "If it     baseline
              decrease    near, the      becomes    economic
              in the      peak level of  appropria  outlook
              policy      the target     te to      continues
              rate is     range of the   tighten    to expect
              not         federal funds  policy     that we
              something   rate." Nov     further,   will need
              that is     30, 2023       we will    to
              likely to                  not        increase
              happen in                  hesitate   the
              the short                  to do      federal
              term."                     so." Nov.  funds rate
              Nov. 8,                    9, 2023    further."
              2023                                  Nov. 28,
              Raphael     Philip         Christoph  Loretta
              Bostic,     Jefferson,     er         Mester,
              Atlanta     Vice Chair:    Waller,    Cleveland
              Fed         "We are in a   Governor,  Fed
              President,  sensitive      permanent  President,
              2024        period of      voter: "I  2024
              voter: "I   risk           am         voter:
              don’t       management,    increasin  "Monetary
              think       where we have  gly        policy is
              we’ve seen  to balance     confident  in a good
              the full    the risk of    that       place for
              effects of  not having     policy is  policymake
              restrictiv  tightened      currently  rs to
              e policy."  enough,        well       assess
              Nov. 29,    against the    positione  incoming
              2023        risk of        d to slow  informatio
                          policy being   the        n on the
                          too            economy    economy
                          restrictive.”  and get    and
                          Oct. 9, 2023   inflation  financial
                                         back to    conditions
                                         2%." Nov.  ." Nov.
                                         28, 2023   29, 2023
                          Michael Barr,  Neel        
                          Vice Chair of  Kashkari,  
                          Supervision,   Minneapol  
                          permanent      is Fed     
                          voter: The     President  
                          Fed is "at or  , 2023     
                          near the       voter:     
                          peak" of       "When      
                          interest       activity   
                          rates.” Nov.   continues  
                          17, 2023       to run     
                                         this hot,  
                                         makes me   
                                         if policy  
                                         is as      
                                         tight as   
                                         we assume  
                                         is." Nov.  
                                         7, 2023    
                          Lisa Cook,     Lorie       
                          Governor,      Logan,     
                          permanent      Dallas     
                          voter:  "I     Fed        
                          see risks as   President  
                          two-sided,     , 2023     
                          requiring us   voter:     
                          to balance     "We have   
                          the risk of    seen some  
                          not            retraceme  
                          tightening     nt in      
                          enough         that       
                          against the    10-year    
                          risk of        yield and  
                          tightening     financial  
                          too much."     condition  
                          Nov. 16, 2023  s, and so  
                                         I'll be    
                                         to see     
                                         and what   
                                         means for  
                                         ons of     
                                         Nov. 7,    
                          Austan Goolsb  Thomas      
                          ee, Chicago    Barkin,    
                          Fed            Richmond   
                          President,     Fed        
                          2023 voter:    President  
                          "If we hit     , 2024     
                          the targets    voter:     
                          that we        "If        
                          expect to      inflation  
                          hit, then we   is going   
                          would be on    to flare   
                          path to get    back up,   
                          to 2%, and     I think    
                          that's what I  you want   
                          call the       to have    
                          golden path."  the        
                          Nov. 17, 2023  option of  
                                         more on    
                                         Nov. 29,   
                          Mary Daly,                 
                          San Francisco             
                          2024 voter:               
                          "I'm thinking             
                          about whether             
                          we have                   
                          tightening in             
                          the system                
                          and are                   
                          to restore                
                          interest rate             
                          cuts are not              
                          helpful at                
                          the moment."              
                          Nov. 30, 2023             
                          Boston Fed                
                          2025 voter:               
                          The Fed                   
                          should be                 
                          "patient and              
                          resolute, and             
                          I wouldn't                
                          firming off               
                          the table."               
                          Nov. 17, 2023             
    Note: Fed policymakers began raising interest rates in March
2022 to bring down high inflation. Their most recent policy rate
hike, to a range of 5.25%-5.50%, was in July.
    Most policymakers as of September expected one more rate
hike by the end of this year, but recently many have expressed
more confidence that none will be needed. Neither Jeff Schmid,
who has been Kansas City Fed's president since August and will
be a voter on the FOMC in 2025, nor Adriana Kugler, a permanent
voter who was confirmed to the Fed's Board of Governors in
September, have yet made any substantive policy remarks. The St.
Louis Fed has begun a search to replace its former president,
James Bullard, who took a job in academia; the new chief will be
a voter on the policy-setting committee in 2025. Interim St.
Louis Fed chief Kathleen O'Neill Paese appears to lean hawkish. 
    Below is a Reuters count of policymakers in each category,
heading into recent Fed meetings.
 FOMC Date        Dove   Dovish   Centris  Hawkish  Hawk
 Oct/Nov '23      0      2        7        5        2
 Sept '23         0      4        3        6        3
 June '23         0      3        3        8        3
 March '23        0      2        3        10       2
 Dec '22          0      4        1        12       2

 (Reporting by Ann Saphir in Berkeley, California; Editing by
Matthew Lewis and Paul Simao)