STORY: Coffins draped in Democratic Republic of Congo flags holding the remains of victims of a refugee camp bombing, were lowered into graves near Goma on Wednesday (May 15).

Anger has been directed at Rwanda over the attack.

The deaths illustrate the worsening humanitarian fallout from the two-year conflict between Congolese forces and the Rwanda-backed rebel group M23, which has moved closer to Goma in recent months, prompting thousands to seek refuge in the city.

A crowd of protesters demanded sanctions against Rwanda whom they accuse of supporting the rebels.

At a funeral broadcast on state television, Democratic Republic of Congo's Human Rights Minister Albert Fabrice Puela vowed the perpetrators would be punished for what he called a ''Congolese genocide for economic reasons'' perpetrated by Rwanda.

Democratic Republic of Congo's government, the UN and Western powers have repeatedly accused Rwanda of backing the M23, claims it denies.

An M23 leader accused Congolese authorities of bombing their own people to provoke international anger.