Share class: Star Cement Limited

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A1404,180,41745,202,719 ( 11.18 %) 0 11.18 %

Major shareholders: Star Cement Limited

47,886,362 11.85 % 130 M ₹
41,244,765 10.20 % 112 M ₹
19,534,116 4.833 % 53 M ₹
18,660,196 4.617 % 51 M ₹
17,951,414 4.441 % 49 M ₹
17,788,483 4.401 % 48 M ₹
SBI Funds Management Ltd.
4.362 %
17,631,711 4.362 % 48 M ₹
17,623,185 4.360 % 48 M ₹
Subham Capital Pvt Ltd.
3.331 %
13,463,540 3.331 % 37 M ₹
11,364,580 2.812 % 31 M ₹
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Breakdown by shareholder type


Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

Individuals 64.45%
India 21.20%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Star Cement Limited
Star Cement Limited is an India-based cement company in North-Eastern India. The Company is engaged in the manufacture of cement, cement clinker, and generation of pawer. It operates through segments: Cement and Power. The Company has its 1.67 million tons per annum (MTPA) integrated cement plant in the idyllic town of Lumshnong in Meghalaya. Its product range for construction includes Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC 43-Grade) and (OPC 53-Grade) and Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC), Portland Slag Cement (PSC) and a marque product in the value-added segment Anti Rust Cement (ARC). In addition, the Company has two grinding units, a two MTPA cement unit in Sonapur near Guwahati and another cement unit at Mohitnagar near Siliguri in West Bengal, with a capacity of two million tons per annum (MTPA), with an installed capacity of around 5.7 MTPA. The Company is selling its product across northeastern and eastern states of India.
More about the company
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