Shree Cement Limited announced it has received a GST demand order from the Deputy Commissioner, State Tax, Indore, Madhya Pradesh. Nature and details of the action(s) taken, initiated or order(s) passed by the authority: Demand Order passed confirming demand of GST of INR 124,456 along with interest of INR 39,204 and penalty of INR 20,000. Date and Time of receipt of direction or order, including any ad-interim or interim orders, or any other communication from the authority: August 7, 2024.
Details of the violation(s) /contravention(s) committed or alleged to be committed: Short payment under Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) in GSTR-3B as compared to RCM liability in GSTR-2A. Impact on financial, operation or other activities of the listed entity, quantifiable in monetary terms to the extent possible: The order has no major financial impact on the Company and is limited to the extent of INR 124,456 (GST) + Interest + penalty.