On the occasion of its Investor Day (CMD), Nestlé presents an action plan to nurture and accelerate growth, 'drive operational excellence, unlock the full potential of the portfolio and strengthen core capabilities'.

Investments in advertising and marketing should be increased to 9% of sales by the end of 2025. By the end of 2027, savings of at least 2.5 billion Swiss francs in addition to existing initiatives are planned to finance the increased investment.

The Swiss food group also plans to set up its premium water and beverage activities as an autonomous global business from January 1, 2025, under the leadership of Muriel Lienau, Head of Nestlé Waters Europe.

In the medium term, Nestlé estimates that with this action plan, its organic growth should exceed 4% in a normal operating environment, with an underlying current operating margin of 17% or more.

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