The Board of Directors of KFin Technologies Limited at its meeting held on May 24, 2024, has appointed Mr. Anish Kumar as the Chief Risk Officer (Senior Management Personnel) of the Company, with effect from May 24, 2024; approved the change in role and designation of Mr. Praveen Shankaran (Senior Management Personnel), as the Chief Operating Officer - Domestic Fund Services, with effect from May 24, 2024. Anish Kumar is a Commerce Graduate and a Company Secretary with approx. 23+ years of experience in Capital Markets with all the leading Exchanges, Depositories and RTAs.
He has previously worked with Metropolitan Stock Exchange of India Limited, National Stock Exchange of India Limited and National Securities Depository Limited. In his previous role he has worked as Chief Risk Officer, Listing Head & Compliance Officer. Praveen Shankaran is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, with approx.
17+ years of experience in mutual fund and fraud analytics.