The board of directors of the Fortis Healthcare Limited at its meeting held on August 06, 2024, Mr. Ravi Rajagopal (DIN: 00067073), the Chairman and Non- Executive Independent Director of the Company has in the meeting informed the Board of his willingness to step down from the directorship of the Company with effect from closing hours on September 30, 2024, citing his expanded board commitments, in the UK and other regions. The Company further wish to mention that consequent to his resignation as Chairman of Board and Non- Executive Independent Director, Mr. Ravi Rajagopal ceases to be a member of Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Company. The list of directorship and membership in board Committees of other listed Companies: Fortis Malar Hospitals Limited: Independent Director: Chairman of the Audit and Risk Management Committee; Member of Nomination and Remuneration Committee.