FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - The Dax continued its recent downward trend on Monday due to ongoing concerns about interest rates and inflation. However, the German leading index was able to contain its losses during the course of trading. In the end, it closed down 0.41 percent at 20,132.85 points. It thus held up well above the round 20,000 point mark, which it had come dangerously close to at times.
"The surprisingly strong labor market report from the U.S. on Friday is still having an effect," commented analyst Konstantin Oldenburger of broker CMC Markets. "Investors are beginning to factor in the possibility that the Federal Reserve could keep its feet still this year when it comes to key interest rates." At least this is what the bond market is signaling, where yields continue to rise. As a result, fixed-interest and thus low-risk bonds are increasingly becoming an alternative to a stock market that is still highly valued."
The MDax of medium-sized companies ultimately fell by 1.30 percent to 25,042.25 points at the beginning of the week. This continued its relative weakness from the previous year compared to the Dax. While the leading index rose by 1.1 percent in 2025, the MDax lost 2.1 percent.
The leading index for the eurozone, the EuroStoxx 50, fell by almost 0.5 percent on Monday. The leading indices in London and Zurich also recorded price losses. In New York, the US leading index Dow Jones Industrial was moderately in the black at the end of European trading, whereas the technology-heavy Nasdaq 100 continued to fall./gl/he